Monday, March 22, 2010

Gal's Sushi

Gal's Sushi
3621 Hwy7 East (corner of Warden & Hwy7)
(905) 305 - 7753

I eat at Gal's all the time.. so this isn't really a special post for me.. but I am making this post to warn you... that Gal's sushi at hwy7 and warden is NOT the same as Gal's sushi at hwy7 and chalmers! From this point on I will refer to the hwy7 & warden one as Gal's 1 and the other as Gal's 2.

My purpose of making this post is not that I have a vendetta against Gal's 2 but I do NOT want anyone who ate at Gal's 2 to mistakenly believe that Gal's 1 has food just as bad! Gal's 1 offers a variety of Japanese and Korean cuisine while the other does not... Gal's 1 has fresh ingredients and actually tastes good while the other does not.... My friends & I were just at Gal's 2 the other day and we were SO dissappointed that none of us finished our food.. the sashimi was not fresh at all.. when I tried to pick up my tuna with my chop sticks the piece of meat broke into 2........... And the food looked so unappetizing that I did not take pictures... The udon that my friends got looked like it was boiled in hot water with random fish balls and 1 broken shrimp thrown into it... yup.. that's what Gal's 2 considers a "seafood udon"... their deep fryer was also broken so they couldn't make tempura but for a free appetizer we were given a plate of cold deep fried scallops... I am curious as to how long those have been sitting around... by the way.. I could barely tell that it was scallops inside all that over-cooked batter.......

Anyways.. below are some pictures of Gal's 1 on one of my prior visits... I would definately recommend the Gal's on Highway 7 and Warden... I go there often because of their economical but filling & fresh lunch bento boxes and sashimi/sushi sets... yummm....

Beware of Gal's sushi on highway 7 and chalmers! The best part of our meal was the orange they served at the end... UGHH !!!

1 comment:

  1. "Gal's 2" is now under new management. The new name is "akane sushi" However, prior to this, I would not say the food was bad perhaps it was just that one time you went.

    The owner and his wife were extremely nice. Best of luck to his new family!

    The way he had prepared the food showed his attention to detail and good taste. The complimentary rolls and grilled salmon he had prepared were also very tasty!

    better luck next time, minnie!
