Friday, March 5, 2010

The Roosevelt Room

The Roosevelt Room
2 Drummond Place
M5v 0A5

I don't even know where to start with this place! The decor was very beautiful and luxe. Especially the women's washroom. If you go there make sure you visit their bathrooms. The walls are beautifully painted and each stall is an individual room. There is a tv??? in each stall playing movies from the 1920s... yes that's right... EACH INDIVIDUAL STALL! I heard the men's washroom does not but I wouldn't know personally....

Anyways, back to the food! This was birthday dinner #2 and it was with a large group so we had to set up a prix fixe menu ( see below ). It wasn't overly expensive... $49 for an appetizer, main, and dessert and everyone was full!

Highlights: seared sea scallop cassoulet, crispy duck breast! Make sure you try them : )

Turns out Trevor Wilkinson of Trevor Kitchen & Bar designed their menu too and I loved his other restaurant! Both have filling portions of delicious food... and what I found in common was that the duck is GREAT at both.

Sea Scallop Cassoulet -- duck confit, toulouse sausage, ham hock & navy beans

Waldorf salad - salt cured duck, black walnut & black truffles

Coq au vin - crispy chicken, honey mushrooms, bacon, cipollini onions & riesling sauce

Smoked crispy duck breast - coucroute, juniper duck reduction & mustard croquettes... if ANYONE has any delicious duck recipes similar to these ingredients please share with me! I really want to learn to make duck like this.... I am going back for sure for more of this.

Linguine & clams -- little neck clams & prawns in white wine sauce -- some guests complained the sauce was a little light but I thought mine was pretty good and I tasted the wine !

Baked Alaska - alcohol drenched... flambeed raspberry & vanilla ice cream with cashew cake. I did not enjoy this at all because all I tasted was the alcohol....but it looked cool when it was on fire!
Venezuelan Dark Chocolate Mousse - brandied cherries & szechuan peppercorn ice cream.
I don't have a picture but out of the desserts, the apple tart tatin was the best of the 3.

1 comment:

  1. I just watched Julie and Julia... This is eerily familiar.
